.first time


First time.

I don’t usually take pictures of people or with people in them, I don’t feel comfortable doing it, it’s like being intrusive.
But that day, I don’t know… they looked perfect in the frame and I did it. 🙂

(The guy in the second pic is my boyfriend, Mauro <3)

Love, Alessia

.sneak peek

Abbazia di Follina

Sneak peek.

I know, I know, I had promised few more photos of the beautiful 3 cime di Lavaredo but complications and vacation happened… and now i am here deeply in love with Follina and its abbey…
Just one, as sneak peek!

Love, Alessia

.a little piece of Paradise

Tre Cime

A Little piece of Paradise.

Last year, in a day like today, me and Mauro went trekking and discovered behind the Tre Cime di Lavaredo and Rifugio Locatelli this little angle of paradise… wow.

Later more photos 😉
Love, Alessia